Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced his resignation from the position on Sunday. Following this announcement, there was considerable excitement both in Parliament and among the general public regarding the new Chief Minister. In response, Kejriwal convened a PAC meeting at his residence today, during which he proposed Atishi name for the Chief Minister role. The legislative party meeting also approved this proposal. An official announcement regarding Atishi’s appointment is expected soon.
Apart from Atishi, several other names were considered for the position, including Saurabh Bhardwaj, Kailash Gahlot, and Gopal Rai. Additionally, the name of Arvind Kejriwal’s wife, Sunita Kejriwal, was also mentioned.
Who is Atishi?
Atishi was born to Professor Vijay Kumar Singh and Tripta Wahi. Her father was a professor at Delhi University, which led her to complete her schooling at Springdales School in New Delhi. She then graduated in History from St. Stephen’s College and obtained a Master’s degree from Oxford University. A few years later, she received another degree from Oxford.
Political Career of Atishi
Atishi has been with the Aam Aadmi Party since its inception. She was a key member of the party’s manifesto committee for the 2013 Assembly elections. From 2015 to 2018, she served as an advisor to Manish Sisodia, who was then the Deputy Chief Minister and Education Minister of Delhi.
2019 Lok Sabha Election Defeat
It is worth noting that Atishi contested the 2019 Lok Sabha elections as the party’s candidate from East Delhi. However, she lost to BJP candidate Gautam Gambhir by 4.77 lakh votes. Subsequently, in the 2020 Delhi Assembly elections, she contested from the Kalkaji constituency on the party’s ticket and won by over 11,000 votes against the BJP candidate. She is considered one of Arvind Kejriwal’s trusted advisors.
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