Mahakumbh Stampede: During the Mahakumbh, a stampede broke out at Sangam Ghat at around 1 am on Tuesday-Wednesday night. According to reports, more than a dozen people have died in this incident, while the number of injured is quite high, many of whom are in critical condition. The pictures coming from the spot are extremely disturbing.
At present, high alert is in place not only in Prayagraj but also in the surrounding areas. Both CM Yogi Adityanath and PM Narendra Modi are keeping a close watch on the situation.
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Mahakumbh Stampede: What Led to the Tragedy?
The second royal bath of Mahakumbh was scheduled for today, i.e., Mauni Amavasya. However, an unexpectedly large crowd arrived in Prayagraj a day earlier. According to estimates, around 5 crore people had already reached the city by Tuesday (January 28). Since Tuesday night, the crowd was so dense that people were resting wherever they could find space. The situation at Sangam Ghat was no different.
Eyewitnesses gave varying accounts of the incident. Some claimed that police officials started waking up people resting at the Sangam early to prepare for the royal bath, leading to the stampede. Others said that the crowding led to suffocation, causing some people to faint, which worsened the situation.
Some also mentioned that authorities were preventing people from reaching the Sangam and directing them to other ghats for the holy dip. However, the crowd insisted on bathing at the Sangam itself. As a result, a barrier collapsed, causing the stampede. Administrative officials have also given a similar statement.
Kumbh Mela OSD IAS Akanksha Rana confirmed that due to the large crowd at Sangam Nose, the barrier broke and a stampede-like situation occurred.
Mahakumbh Stampede: Ambulances Rush to Sangam
As soon as the news of the incident was received, ambulances started arriving at Sangam. Initially, due to the crowd, it took some time for the ambulances to reach the spot and take the injured to the hospital.
However, soon a dedicated corridor was prepared for the ambulances. About 50 ambulances were used to carry the injured. Talking to the staff present in the ambulances, it was found that some people had died on the spot itself.
Saints React to Mahakumbh Stampede
All the prominent saints present in the Mahakumbh have different opinions on this incident. Saints of Niranjani Akhara have said that this incident happened due to administrative mismanagement, while Akhara Parishad president Ravindra Puri said that it is not easy to handle a crowd of lakhs and the administration is not at fault in this incident. He also said that people should listen to the administration and take holy bath on other banks instead of Sangam.
There are reports of people being stopped outside the city limits in view of the crowd in Prayagraj. To prevent further crowd in Mahakumbh, it is likely that people coming from outside Prayagraj will be allowed entry gradually.
PM Modi Calls for Urgent Measures Following Mahakumbh Chaos
Prime Minister Modi has spoken to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath about the situation in Mahakumbh. He reviewed the incident and directed to take immediate relief measures.
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