In a tragic turn of events, Tafazul Islam, the main accused in the gang rape case of a 14-year-old girl in Nagaon district, Assam, died after attempting to escape police custody. The incident occurred early in the morning around 4 AM when the police were taking him to recreate the crime scene. During the process, Islam jumped into a pond in an attempt to flee, leading to a search operation that lasted two hours before his body was recovered from the water.
Background of the Gang Rape Incident
The gang rape incident took place when the minor, a 10th-grade student, was returning home from her tuition class on Thursday evening. She was attacked by three individuals who subsequently raped her and abandoned her by the roadside in the Borbheti area. Local residents found her in a naked and unconscious state about an hour later and informed the police. The girl was promptly admitted to the hospital, where her life was saved.
#WATCH असम के नागांव जिले में धींग सामूहिक बलात्कार की घटना के मुख्य आरोपी तफजुल इस्लाम का शव एक तालाब से बरामद किया गया।
एसपी नागांव स्वप्ननील डेका ने बताया, “पुलिस ने इस मामले में पहले भी उसे गिरफ्तार किया था। जब पुलिस की एक टीम उसे जांच के लिए कल रात घटनास्थल पर ले गई, तो…
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) August 24, 2024
Public Outcry and Arrests
Following the incident, there was significant public outrage, with various community groups demanding the arrest of the culprits. Student unions called for a shutdown, and shopkeepers closed their establishments in protest. Social and political organizations urged for strict action against the offenders and emphasized the need for enhanced safety for women and girls. Tafazul Islam was arrested on August 23 after being identified as one of the three perpetrators involved in the crime, while the search for the other two suspects continues.
Also Read: Bus Driver Arrested for Raping 17-Year-Old Student